Culinary Archives • Barony of Terra Pomaria
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This is the rich, soul-warming soup served every year at Bar Gemels when the event was held in the beautiful campgrounds near Silver Falls....

This page lists some of the unusual cooking terms found in period recipes. It covers only terms that Rosemary has used in her cooking column so far, so this list is not comprehensive. This list will be updated periodically. ...

Did I say it was summer LAST month? What foolishness! As we sweat in the oven of the sun, I am reminded of tales my father’s retainers told me as a wee thing, of the time they spent with his liege, Simon de Montfort, in the Holy Land on crusade. One of the retainers brought a wench back from Baghdad, who in the blazing summers, would become nostalgic and tell me of the foods of her homeland. This recipe requires no translation from me, for I had a learned priest translate it from the Byzantine tongue....

Take dried figs, the sweetest that you can get, black and white, and remove the stems and wash them with good white wine which is sweet; and when they are very well-cleaned, take an earthenware casserole which is big enough, which has a flat bottom, and cast them inside, stirring them a little; and then put this casserole upon the coals, and well-covered in a manner that it is stewed there....

Blueberry Pancakes, Shrewsberry Cakes, Rice Pudding, Soppes Dorre, Armored Turnips, Potato Pooris, Meatballs, Honey Glazed Vegetables, Joutes, Salmon Croquettes, Baked Salmon, Cloven Pork, Apple Tarts, Brown Rice with Spinach, Onions with Cheese, Smothered Rabbit, Cabbage Soup, Mushrooms Omelets....

For this year’s Kingdom Feast & Bardic, my team and I drew the Luncheon course. We started planning, early in the year, for a menu that had about half a dozen dishes, all of them relatively light with a fair vegetable presence. We were not thinking only of vegetarians, but also of the protein dishes that were offered in the two preceding breakfasts and all the food that would come after....

Then Serve It Forth… By Berengaria de Montfort of Carcassonne It’s my objective to capture here the dishes we did actual reconstruction on. I will mention there were peas, nothing special done to them; baguettes, which were made by Myfanwy ferch Robert (Sarah E. Yancey Miller); and frissee [1] of pears served with various French cheeses. This dish was redacted and prepared by The Hon. Lord Marcus Valerius Taurus (Joseph Boyd) and here follows his recipe and work notes. A Dish from Kingdom Feast & Bardic, Luncheon Course Little Cabbages (Brussels Sprouts) This recipe is from Le Ménagier de Paris, a 14th century French manuscript; it can be found in Early French Cookery, or in The Medieval Kitchen. Original Recipe: Et des troncs [des choulx Rommains], se ins sont replantés, yssent de petits choulx que l’en appelle minces, que l’en mengue avec les herbes crues en vinaigre; et qui en a foison, ils sont bond esleus, laves en...

Buttered Wortes, Makerouns, Gourd soup, Turnips Baked with Cheese, Applade Ryalle (Royal apples), Tart de Bry (Brie tarts), Salat, Funges, Basic Meat Pie, Honey cakes, Compost, Fritters of parsnips or apples ...

To make cherry pudding, take cherries from the feast of Saint John the Baptist, and remove the pits. Grind them in a mortar and then press them in a sieve to extract the juice; and put the juice in a pot with grease or butter and white bread without the crust and a good amount of sugar and a portion of wine. When it is cooked well, put it in a dish and decorate with cloves and sugar....