Welcome to the Baronial Library! All materials are available to our Populace, member and non-member alike, for aiding your general research. The main part of the book collection is geared toward the new SCA player and contains books mentioned in A Book of Bibliographies for the Arts and Sciences in the Current Middle Ages as well as other recommended reading. These books are noted on the listings, marked with either a check mark or asterisk. A legend about recommended reading can be found in the lower left-hand corners of the listing pages.
Items checked out require your modern name and contact phone number. Items are to be returned in approximately 30 days. Arrangements can be made for longer periods of time, just ask. Printed copies of the Baronial Library catalog are available on request.
At this time, there are no annotated listings of the subjects the books cover. Please contact the Librarian about the specific topic or topics you wish to research and she will endeavor to find those materials deemed most appropriate for your request.
For the most up-to-date information on the Library, join the Terra Pomaria Library Facebook Group.