Barony of Terra Pomaria • Officers
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Officers of Terra Pomaria



HL Christmas Caryl

The Seneschal is the chairperson of the local branch. The Seneschal is head of the business end of running the local branch.

Social Media

Social Media Officer

Elizabeth Neuton

The Social Media Officer coordinates social medial information and platforms for the Barony.


Demo Deputy


Coordinates public demonstrations for the local group.


Chancellor of the Exchequer

HL Melannei Athenaios

Chancellor of the Exchequer functions as the treasurer of the group. This person is responsible for managing the Barony’s finances.



Aurelia de le Mer

The Chamberlain manages the Baronial equipment such as tents, banners, or other equipment needed to run the various events.

Gold Key

Gold Key


Gold Key manages several pieces of clothing that can loaned out at events so that those without period clothing can still feel as part of the event.



HL Adrianne von Brandenburg

The Librarian manages the Baronial Library. The Barony has several references available for use by the populace.


Herald (Hazel Leaf Pursuivant)

HL Sárnat ingen Chormeicc

The Herald has several parts to there office. They act as the announcer during court, they make announcements during events, they help people select period names, the help people create their device (a unique symbol used to identity someone or something, for example the green circle above the word Herald above is the Herald’s device), and they help to submit those names and devices to be registered.

Heavy Marshal

Heavy Marshal

Lord Bjorn of Ulster

There are several marshals depending on the different sports. The Heavy Marshal is the authority for heavy fighting as well as the Marshal over the other disciplines.


Minister of the Lists

Alyna Trewpeny

The Lists involve who is in what tournament, who is their opponent, who is eligible for said tournament, etc. The Minister of the Lists is the person that coordinates all of that information during the event and reports the results.

Target Marshal

Target Marshal

Master Otto Gottlieb OL, OP, OGGS

The Target Marshal is the authority on archery and thrown weapon practices and events.


Equestrian Marshal

HL Tassi Hestamaðer

Duties of Branch Equestrian Officers include maintaining records of qualified riders in the local branch, being familiar with the An Tir Equestrian Handbook, sending insurance request copies to the Kingdom Equestrian Officer and informing the Kingdom Equestrian Officer of all equestrian events in your area.

Rapier Marshal

Rapier Marshal

Lord Levi Von Strauss

The Rapier Marshal is the authority on rapier style fighting (similar to fencing but there are differences) and Cut & Thrust.

Youth Combat

Youth Armored Combat


Also known as YAC. This person is the local authority for youth combat activities.

Arts & Sciences

Minister of the Arts and Sciences

HL Agatha Iris

The Minister of the Arts and Sciences coordinates activities associated with the different arts and sciences of the pre 1600s. Some times these are at events and other times they coordinate other gatherings to work on various projects.



HL Morikawa Kenji Katashige

The Chronicler acts as the secretary of the Barony. This person takes meeting minutes and compiles the Baronial newsletter.


Minister of the Grete Boke


The Minister of the Grete Boke keeps a running archive of the Barony’s history.



Lord Luther Gütman (acting)

If you are new to the group or to the SCA as a whole, this is the person you want to talk to. The Chatelaine welcomes those new to the area and the SCA. Provides information on the basics of the local group and the SCA in general.


Youth and Family Achievement Officer


The Youth and Family Achievement Officer takes care of scheduling activities for Youth and Families at all Baronial events. Coordinates children with YAFA mentors and organizes the YAFA program.


Baronial Scribe

HL Wystan Albryght

The Baronial Scribe is in charge of those gorgeous scrolls that are given out with awards at court.



Lord Cormac O’Cathasaigh

The Webminister is the person responsible for the Terra Pomaria website, and for the online content of the Barony.