It has been a very busy, very stressful, and yet very quiet few months. So much has been happening in the modern and virtual SCA world that it’s easy to lose track of how much time has passed, and such is the case with this blog post. I have several things to talk about, so please read on!

First, Thegn Clovis and I want to reiterate our dedication to and expectation of honorable and respectful treatment of our fellows. We cannot uphold the core values of our Society and at the same time have inequality, division, and repression in our Society. From the SCA’s founding, our goal has been to recreate the Middle Ages as they should have been. We as a Society come from many different walks of life and belief systems, but we come together over a love of researching and recreating history. Hatred, bigotry, and disrespectful treatment of others have no place in our Barony, Kingdom, or Society. This conversation has many implications and impacts, which I won’t undertake here or on social media, since they are best held face-to-face; the bottom line is that His Excellency and I will stand with our Seneschal to protect our populace and strive to make our Barony a place where everyone feels welcome.
Second, we have a new email listserv! As Yahoo Groups is no longer fully-supported, we have moved our email group to You can find it by going to and searching for “Terra Pomaria,” or you can send an email to Make it easy for us to share information with you and join us on the email list!
Third, we are releasing our Sergeantry Trial requirements! While we won’t be able to start our Trials officially until we have an event and accept Letters of Intent, we want our potential candidates to have plenty of time to look over the requirements and get a head start on completing them. You can find more information about the Sergeantry Program and the Trials under the Sergeantry section of the website. If you have any questions, please contact His Excellency and myself, and we will be happy to answer them.
Fourth, Thegn Clovis has done a fantastic job at putting together a star-studded lineup of classes designed for our potential Sergeants, but open to everyone. Join us each Sunday at 7pm for informational classes on Zoom, or watch the classes on YouTube on the Terra Pomaria channel (seriously, His Excellency is amazing).
Upcoming classes include:
Scribal Design 101
by Aine O Shehy on July 26th
Concept of Chivalry
round table discussion with Edward Anderson, Hlutwige Wolfkiller, Ataias ek Paralatae, Kenric Maur, and Logan Pathwarden on August 2nd
See Something, Do Something
bystander intervention training by Genevieve Choue on August 9th
Introduction to Marshaling
by Einar Knuteson on August 16th
Gate 101 and Kingdom PayPal
by Etienette de Montagne on August 23rd
A&S Competition 101
by Eleanor de Bolton on August 30th
And don’t worry, Thegn Clovis has several more in the pipeline, lest your summer and fall pass in boredom and ignorance!
The following classes have already happened, and you can find most of them on our YouTube channel:
Inclusivity for Event Stewards
by Zahra Tesfays
Retinue 101
taught by Ula Brennasdottir
The Awakening: Sharing our Medieval Dream with Newcomers
taught by Naible (Nai) Martyn
Keys to the Kingdom: Courtesy and Etiquette in the Current Middle Ages
taught by Briana of Lion’s Gate
Event Stewarding 101
taught by Vivien NicUldoon
Concept of Classroom Education
taught by Brynjarr Olfuss
Who is Opie and how doesn’t he have an AoA already
taught by Ana De la Sara
An Introduction to Heraldry
taught by Zahra bint al-Rammah
Introduction to Period Medicine
taught by Seamus O’Caellaigh
The Emperor’s New Clothes
taught by Ayla Roth
Finally, we miss you. We’ve gotten to see many of you virtually, but that isn’t a replacement for being together, and virtual visits aren’t for everyone. These past months have been terrible and amazing and scary and history-making in great and awful ways. Our hope for all of you is that you are well, and that you are waking up each day. Some of us may be finishing crazy, bucket list projects, and some of us may be getting up and eating, but as long as we are well and waking up each day, I count the day as a win.
Thegn Clovis & Baronesa Ximena