The Sergeantry and Courtiers of Terra Pomaria are a group of people dedicated to serving the seated Baronial Coronets and enriching the Barony with their service.
Those wishing to become a Sergeant or Courtier of Terra Pomaria must submit a Letter of Intent, participate in the Sergeantry Trials as laid out by the seated Baronial Coronets, and swear an oath of fealty to the Barony of Terra Pomaria.
Both Sergeantry & Courtier candidates will be tested in a variety of areas through Trials designed to increase the candidates’ understanding of their place in the SCA and their skills as a valued member of the Barony.
Download the Barony of Terra Pomaria Sergeantry & Courtier Program (PDF)
Download the Requirements for the Sergeantry and Courtier Program for Terra Pomaria (2024) (PDF)
None currently